How to win a horse?

The topic is related to game theory. Two people own a racehorse. They decide that one of them will become the full owner after the season if he correctly bets the best run of the season. The selection is made sequentially. What strategy should each owner follow?
The task is to simulate such an event and show which strategy is optimal. After correctly simulating such a phenomenon, students will have to modify the issue. Here I can tell them which way to go, or see what ideas they have.
The main goal is to simulate the situation and analyze data connected to the race games such as horse runs, speedways, etc.

Keywords: sport betting, game theory, data analysis.

Instructor: Marek Skarupski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, PL)


  • Karen Tonini dos Santos, University of Verona
  • Diogo Pinheiro, Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa
  • Krzysztof Dorosz, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
  • Nedilko Daryna, Kyiv Politecnic Institute
  • Yaroslava Mykhailenko, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


Room S.2, Veronetta – Polo didattico Zanotto, Viale Università 4, 37129 Verona VR, G-map: